I have this special little corner set up in my dining room where I can disappear into my own little world, doing the things I love - journalling, sketching, making notes of new birds visiting my garden and where I keep some seeds ready for sowing. Here I often also plan my week, it seems to bring order to my life and reminds me to not fill my day with too many things and to leave some moments for just being quiet...
A corner in the lounge where I curl up with one of my favourite books
Another favourite is my reading nook (actually, I can read anywhere!), but nothing beats a comfy sofa or daybed for curling up with your favourite book, a cup of steaming tea and maybe a snack or two.
My reading corner in the lounge before I got the comfy yellow sofa.
A daybed in my bedroom where, in winter, I often snuggle up under a throw to enjoy a good book. Originally built as a spare bed in my bedroom for when my 3-year old grand-daughter came to visit (she was scared to sleep in her own room), it is now used as a daybed to read.
Doing what you love is one of the most important steps to mental and physical health. It has been proven scientifically that people that feel passionate about, and enjoy, what they're doing, live a longer, happier and healthier life than someone who struggles to get up in the morning because they hate their job, or what they're doing.
Put a spring in your walk, get your skin glowing and exude vibrancy - by doing what you love! And if you want to make a difference in the world, the single most important thing you can do is consciously and deliberately choose to do work that you are passionate about.
Isn’t this just the most inspiring reading nook with a view?!
When you follow your bliss, it seems like the rest of the world orchestrates things so that your life is easy. It becomes effortless.