
Sunday, 1 November 2015

Is a bookshelf just a bookshefl?

Beware of the person of one book. 
–Thomas Aquinas

Is your bookshelf “just a bookshelf”? Somewhere for your books to be shoved into together with some other odds and ends you don’t have place for?

How about beautifying your bookshelf? Books are objects of beauty and look great displayed with some of your favourite objects. It doesn't matter what sort of bookshelf you've got, it doesn't have to be an expensive wall-to-wall creation, but what does matter is what it looks like. Newly married in the early 70's and with not much money, a large, fancy bookshelf was out of the question, but my books needed a home. They were suffocating in the boxes. A few wooden shelves and some bricks solved the problem and also provided space for some of my treasures that I'd collected as a young girl.


Show off the things you love and a plant goes a long way to enhancing the look of your bookshelf. And something green and living gives your books someone to talk to! lol! (Just remember to put a holder under the plant so that no water leaks onto your shelf!) A few well-placed baskets with lids look beautiful on the shelves and also solves the problem of all the stuff we need to put down somewhere until it can get sorted out.

Books are a thing of beauty, almost sacred in my eyes, and shoving them around is similar to crumpling up money in your pocket or purse - how can the Universe supply if you have such disregard?

Good books are friendly things to own. If you are busy they will wait. They will not call you on the phone Or wake you if the hour is late. They stand together row by row, Upon the low shelf or the high. But if you're lonesome this you know: You have a friend or two nearby.

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